Note that this is by no means an optimal solver and will take around 100 moves to solve a random combination. Like our Rubik's Revenge Solver (4x4x4), this solver was programmed to use the 'reduction method' - meaning it will solve the centers and edge pieces first, then solve the rest of the puzzle as if it was a normal Rubik's Cube (3x3x3). We know you've never heard of 'trevigintillion' but trust us it's a LOT - way more than the original Rubik's Cube's 43 quintillion possible combinations. The Rubik's Professor's Cube (5x5x5) has about 283 trevigintillion different possible combinations. This is still an early version so we will appreciate your feedback. We are proud to present the world's FIRST and BEST online Professor's Cube Solver. You guys have repeatedly requested that we make a Rubik's Cube 5x5x5 Solver so we decided to give it a try. It's finally here - Rubik's Professor's Cube Solver (5x5x5)!